Monday, December 30, 2013

13 Reasons why 2013 is Awesome

Several amazing things happened this 2013 and I still can't believe some of them actually took place! I simply have to write them down to remind me of this iconic year:

1) Duet with Radha

I used to duet only with my friends or with my good friend Jobel Marie Tombado or sing inside the bathroom. So belting out a duet with Radha in front of possibly 200 people couldn't be more grand!

2) Won an award on my birthday

Winning this award is a really huge honor. But receiving this exactly on your birthday? It's surreal!

3) Going around Semirara Island

First time in the island as a tourist and got to see a lot of Semirara's environment-friendly projects such as a turtle hatchery, an abalone farm and a marine sanctuary

4) Flying to Taiwan

Lighting up a paper lantern in Taiwan during Chinese New Year with the most awesome people in the world is simply epic.

5) Exploring Siquijor

First time on this island. Siquijor is known for its aswang tales. And I was actually very cautious enough not to look at any locals directly in the eye, or die.

6) Touring Dumaguete

First time in Dumaguete as a tourist! Though I have been going back and forth in this city for more than a year, this was actually the first time i visited a lot of the city's landmarks

7) Going solo in Guimaras

First solo trip post-Samar days and coincidentally fell on the last day of the Manggahan Festival. Renowned for having the best and sweetest mangoes on earth, took the opportunity to have an eat-all-you-can mango experience for just PHP90

8) Malaysia Lay-over 

This Malaysia trip is actually just a 10-hour stopover en route to Nepal, but we actually got to see some of Kuala Lumpur's highlights!

9) Nepal Adventure

An off-the-beaten track vacation, spent six unique days in this Himalayan country

10) Unilab Conference in Cebu

A breath of fresh air after a stress-infested first semester. The resort is a feast for the eyes!

11) A Glimpse of Davao

First time in Davao City in two years for the PCOM Conference. Wish I had stayed longer but had to get back to Manila within the day.

12) Got a promotion

Perhaps the best gift I received this year. And I'm really really thankful for this.

13) Year-end Parties and Reunions

Spent the Christmas season with really awesome friends and workmates. Saw several people I had not seen in forever.

That's about it.

Wishing for more awesomeness in 2014!

Happy New Year! :D

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