Sunday, September 9, 2012

Memoirs of 2010

It has been a long time since I last logged in to my Multiply account having been amazed and dismayed at the same time with the various changes happening at Facebook. With Multiply once being my "photo center," thanks for my love of taking pictures of myself and of course the world, this title now belongs to Facebook where I get to share all of these to a lot of people. But there is still one thing Facebook is unable to do - to TELL stories - which gives me reason to return here.
2010 is an extreme life shifter! It seems only the other day I was cramming Philo papers, the next day I'm selling drugs! It didn't even cross my mind that I would be working in the pharmaceutical industry when all I thought about back then was food. :)

School made us experience such a structured life - I got used to the system - that when thrown out to reality suddenly made me realize that I'm not in full control of my life after all. Everything seems to come by surprise. Even my job is a surprise! That's why I make it a point to have an update session with myself in the form of these memoirs which I started last year.


In 2009, I listed some of the things I look forward to.

2010 - 21st bday! Graduation! Travel with family! Bohol trip!
2012 - End of the world
2015 - Paris trip ng GC lane!
2020 - first world na raw ang Pilipinas
2025 - isa na akong octodad! :D
2069 - taon ng aking pagkamatay ayon sa isang website.

At least everything I looked forward to in 2010 happened! But along with that are tons of things I didn't expect much to happen - that if only I have known some of them earlier would have made me very much excited for 2010.

2010 was simply EPIC. It would have to be crowned as my most travel-filled year. I have to thank everyone and every supernatural being for giving me the opportunity to explore different areas of our country and of the world.

Started this year with a blast. I turned 21 and is now a full fledged adult! Unlike the past years of my life when I always treated my friends out for lunch or dinner or even to a cinema, I decided to prepare my own birthday dish for my friends.. or rather it is a legal excuse to have a very tipid birthday. Haha. I made shrimp pasta in marinara sauce, vegetable salad with vinaigrette, olives w/ cold cuts on a toothpick, cream of mushroom soup and Pepsi. Thank you Maan for helping me dissect the shrimp! :) Too bad no pictures for this are available since my camera phone got broken also earlier this year.

LS defense for our Malunggay mayonnaise - MomsMade! Not only is this the first product I ever earned money from, but this is also the finale of all the defenses, of all the reporting I have to go through college. And of course, I worked with my closest buddies in college! :) Grabbed picture from Chester!

Syempre graduation time! Who wouldn't be happy? Finally my seemingly endless days of schooling and cramming are over! Haha have to endure 17 years of that :) This also marks the start of my series of summer trips both with family and friends!

Aaand I also got accepted in Unilab as a Management Trainee!
I was like, "oh fuck, ano alam ko dun?" but I finally decided to take the offer after giving us an ultimatum of one week. This decision of mine I guess is the one primarily responsible as to why my 2010 has always been a bit of a surprise! :p
Kicked-off my summer by touring Hong Kong and Macau with my family as their graduation gift for me. Since I really love going places, I chose this over either a car or cold hard cash! Now that I'm working really hard and finally realizing how difficult it is to earn and save money, I should have just chosen cash! Hahahaha but then again, you cannot replace good memories with that!

Less than 24 hrs after arriving back in Manila, I boarded the plane to Boracay to spend 6 days of summer with my college friends! First time in Boracay in nearly 14 years and super woah to its ultra drastic change. 14 years ago, it was a clean, tranquil beach and literally a paradise. In 2010 the famous white sand is still there but it transformed into a beach club/bar strip! Nevertheless, super enjoyed the 6 day beach party with my friends and I would love to give Bora another visit with them :)


Less than a week later, I hit the air again to spend the remaining summer with my high school friends in Bohol and Cebu - it has been planned for the longest time! :) First out of Luzon trip with my HS friends and first time also I set foot on these 2 islands. Thanks Treisha for accommodating all of us! :)

Experienced the beauty of Panglao, snorkled near the 'Marianas" trench haha, Virgin island, ate a raw sea urchin (masarap btw), dolphin watching, Loboc river cruise, Bohol Bee Farm, Chocolate Hills, Tarsier and other historic landmarks! Too bad I have to cut short our 10 day trip since work starts on May 3. Missed Danao adventures and Cebu itself! Left on the fourth day of our vacation.

2 days before work starts, I hit the road once again with my family to Subic! Last summer leg of 2010.
Then I'm off to work!

 On the very first day of my work, I was informed that I'll be assigned in Samar. :o didn't know how to react that time, but go lang! hahaha at least I'll get to see Cebu finally and hopefully visit the places I missed. 
It was basically class room orientation during the first few weeks and for our first round, we would be working in GT. Then surprise! On May 18, I suddenly found myself headed for Davao to visit our distributor there, aaand it is only an overnight stay.

BUT before going to our areas, we need training! And a few days into the month, I found myself on a week-long training in Negros Occidental with Kate, Bradley and Justin. Hellooo Bacolod!! And go team Kabangkalan:)) hahaha!

 The week after that, I have another week-long training but this time in the cities of Davao and Tagum! First time I tasted Durian and I didn't like it! Haha!

With this kind of work, I'm beginning to worry about my weight! I've been drastically gaining weight since May (15lbs at least)! By the end of June, I finally got to see my real area assignment - East Visayas. First stop, Cebu!

After a few days of orientation, I finally rode the plane to Tacloban, Leyte. One step closer to Samar! For the past few months, I've always wondered what Samar really looks like after all the scary stories they've been telling me! Haha!


By the end of June, I finally stepped foot on the island of Samar! And hell yeah, it really is for nature trippers!
The adventure in Samar-Leyte goes on!

Spent a grueling 8.5 hours on a non-air-conditioned bus traveling from Catarman all the way down to Tacloban (280 km approximately)! Only thing I enjoyed is the scenery.

Back to Cebu again. This time for my first National Distribution Mid-Year meeting in Marco Polo! :)

Also managed to pass the first revalida of our MT program in Unilab. So really, the adventure goes on! :))
While searching the net, I chanced upon a website promoting a certain town in Western Samar famous for its caves. I decided I go check it out.

They call it the Sohoton caves! It is a system of caves you can only reach via a pump boat ride in the town of Basey. The ride takes 1.5 hours upstream.


After the long ride, the towering limestone formations welcomed my arrival. Then I'm off caving!

By the 2nd week of August, I'm off to Cebu once more for my first GBU and Marketing alignment meeting - held in Algre Beach resort. :))


And my favorite area in the resort? Our very own bathroom! Haha!
Fieldwork as usual, and by this month I am proud to say that I have been in all towns in Samar where we have GT accounts - without using a car! :P Managed to have some sidetrips here and there during lunch breaks. This one is from the city of Calbayog.

And this one is in San Rafael's farm near Tacloban city where we ate lunch once.

Managed again to pass the grilling 2nd revalida in Unilab! Super grilled. As in. :D

Another GBU meeting in Cebu. This time in the Imperial Palace resort and spa.

Then the ultimate judgement day came. Third revalida (not the last one though haha) in Unilab to finally decide if we would be made regular or not.
Glad to have made it! :))
Then a few days before October ended, I got a call telling me I'll be assigned in North Luzon to co-manage our key account St. Joseph drugstore. And I was like :o. Go na lang din! haha!
Can't believe I'm leaving Samar for good. Made lots of nice memories here and with our GBU. So to nicely end my stay in Samar, I embarked on yet another adventure. I visited the Bangon-Bugtong falls!
45-minute trek up the mountains surrounded by a very thick coconut jungle! Didn't expect the trek up haha but it was fun. Flip-flop almost got destroyed. But then again, a very fulfilling reward comes at the end.
However a few days before I left my area, I met a major major car accident!
Driving at 100-120 kph, singing while at the same time feeling sleepy, caused my reflexes to fail and upon reaching a sharp downward curve, I suddenly lost control and crashed my car to the mountain slope.
So fast was the speed of my car that the first impact (passenger side) sent my car flying 180 degrees in the air (according to the 4 women who witnessed my impact) and I found myself landing at the opposite direction. As I landed, my car slid down the slope and hit the section behind me.

 Thank God I suffered no internal and external injuries and I still found myself smiling after the accident.
After being hospitalized in Tacloban for 2 days, finally it was time for me to leave. I guess the accident is Samar's way of saying goodbye. Haha

Aaand what better way to end my November than watch Harry Potter 7 Pt. 1. Thanks Jomar for the treat! :))
Started my December by immersing myself in my new area. And it's not hard to imagine why a lot of people easily fell in love with Region I.
Tapos syempre, there's Vigan!
And the awesome Ilocos terrain

To end my 2010 with a blast, I joined the year-end climb to Mt. Pulag (2nd highest peak in the Philippines) with Jackie and Yssa. First climb up a mountain, and it's a major one! Haha.

2010 was indeed EPIC. Lots of unexpected travels and lots of unexpected job activities. Nevertheless, I vow 2011 to be more epic. Haha. And with my love for travel, I'd like to make this checklist a reality (shared by my friend Erielle), from an article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Konti na lang. :)) Kaya naman siguro ang #3,4,17 at 20 next year hahaha.
And here goes my list again:
2011 - Vietnam/Coron, #3,4,17,20 (still like the idea of Vietnam though, haha. Coron would also be cool!), Caramoan
2012 - End of the world
2015 - Paris trip ng GC lane (can we make this earlier? Hahaha)
2020 - first world na raw ang Pilipinas
2025 - isa na akong octodad! :D
I'd rather not put the year of my death! :))

Happy New Year everyone! And may your 2011 be epic as well! :P

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